Welcome to FBRA Nigeria

Driving the Food and Beverage Industry Collaboration on Cleaner Environment

Driving the Food and Beverage Industry Collaboration on Cleaner Environment

Support Lines:

08103663976, 08141792334

Who We Are…

Who We Are…

The Food Beverage Recycling Alliance (FBRA) is the industry collaborative platform committed to mopping post-consumer wastes from our environment.

To be a catalyst for a new national culture of responsible handling of post-consumer packaging wastes for a sustainable environment.

Our Mission

To be the leading Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) programme and industry compliance model in Nigeria.

Our Vision

The Journey So Far...

The vision for FBRA started in 2012 but culminated in a corporation in 2018. From membership of four founding companies, the Alliance has progressed with more food and beverage companies joining this vision.

The Alliance is poised to implement exemplary programmes which will help preserve our environment, ignite innovation, create jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities for re-purposing of packaging waste, whilst averting reputation and regulatory risks for the Alliance and its members.

Our Mandate

Following the release of operational guidelines for the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Policy requiring companies in every sector including the Food and Beverage sector to take full control of post consumer waste, the Alliance was established in line with NESREA’s green light for companies to work collaboratively on sectorial basis to promote and execute organized waste collection and recycling in Nigeria.

#LetsMakeWaste Valuable

Our Slogan

Strategic Partnerships

How we implement our programmes

Stronger Alliance

We are made up of major players in the industry

We are a team of responsible and looking forward companies

We are a team of responsible and looking forward companies

Team members

Matthieu Seguin
Matthieu Seguin
Ziad Maalouf
Ziad Maalouf
Vice Chairman
Arese Lucia Onaghise
Arese Lucia Onaghise
Executive Secretary
Elhusseini Wassim
Elhusseini Wassim
Board Member


Engagement and Thought Leadership


Enabling Collection and Recycling


Public Awareness Campaigns